PADI Assistant Instructor Course

The PADI Assistant Instructor Course is your first step toward becoming a PADI Instructor.

What is the AI Course?

The PADI Assistant Instructor course is the first portion of the PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC). It is a compulsory step for any diver who wants to become a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor. Most professional divers will take it integrated as part of their IDC Course but you can also follow those two courses separately to get various advantages.

The main two reasons to take the AI and the IDC courses as separate components are time and money. Each course takes about a week, so if you can’t get 15 days off straight then doing them separately might fit your schedule nicely. The Instructor Development Course as a whole, with the Instructor Examination (IE) and the PADI fees, is certainly a hefty budget. So splitting it might help your finances, allowing you more time to save some money.

Why Taking the AI Course?

The main two reasons to take the AI and the IDC courses as separate components are time and money. Each course takes about a week, so doing them separately might fit your schedule better. The Instructor Development Course as a whole, with the Instructor Examination (IE) and the PADI fees, is certainly a hefty budget. So splitting it might help your finances.

It allows you also to be more prepared for your IDC and increase your success rate for the IE. Some students might struggle with the amount of information and new skills they must assimilate within 15 days. As a PADI Assistant Instructor, you not only gain additional experience as a PADI Professional, but you also start learning the PADI system of diver education. You can therefore act as an instructional scuba assistant and assume limited teaching responsibilities. It’s a great way to gain experience in order to become a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor later on.

Taking the PADI Assistant Instructor Course alone is also a great way of finding out if being a Scuba Instructor is something for you. You will be certified to conduct a larger array of PADI programs so you get to experience the life of a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor.

How Taking the AI Benefits You?

Working as an Assistant Instructor immediately as you improve your employability within the diving industry. You increase your earning potentials giving you a way to fund your IDC course if money was an issue. 

You will be able to give Knowledge Development Presentations to students, teach Confined Water sessions in pool, increase ratios of students to Instructors, develop your control, safety and problem solving skills. You will be assisting certified PADI Instructors and learning all the tricks and tips to be a successful Instructor.

Basically, you will have time to develop yourself as an Instructor. So when it is time to pass the Instructor Exam or teach your first PADI Open Water students, you are ready and confident.

Our AI Packages

Contact us for our Assistant Instructor Packages and all the information you need to know to start your new Professional Career. Do not hesitate to email or contact us for more information. Come back to us to finish your Instructor Development Course and get a special rate as a returning student.

Our IDC Packages


  • Be certified as a PADI Divemaster or leadership level with another diver training organization.
  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Have been a Certified Diver for at least 6 months.
  • Medical clearance attesting to dive fitness signed by a physician within the previous 12 months.
  • 60 documented logged dives and documented experience in night diving, deep diving and underwater navigation.
  • Emergency First Response Primary & Secondary Care course completion within the last 24 months

You will be diving in Amed, Tulamben, Seraya, Kubu & Gili Selang areas. You will also get special rates for all our excursions to further away dive spots around Bali.

Everything included in our Course Packages is listed in their descriptions. If you have any doubts, contact us directly or chat with us below.

Course fee doesn’t include the PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor  Materials & Slates.  We can assist you to purchase the required materials at advantageous price. 

Course fee doesn’t include the PADI Application Fees. PADI Fees need to be paid directly to PADI.

You can start anytime you want! Get in touch with us right now to plan your course.

Don’t worry, we have prepared a special document for all our Trainees with all the answers to the many questions you may have and even more! From what to bring, to what kind of visa I need, how much are the PADI Application Fees and OWSI Materials…Email us about the course and we will send it to you right away.